Service Directory

List Your Company in our Directory

InvestPR offers a service directory to help connect trusted local service providers with businesses looking to operate in Puerto Rico. If you are a local company who wants to offer services review the three easy steps below to add your company and enhance your visibility on the island.

Step 1

Fill out the form

Complete the form with your company details and submit it.

Make sure all information is accurate to ensure a smooth review process.

Step 2

Get Confirmation

Once you submit the form, you’ll receive a notification confirming that we have received your information.

Step 3

Review Process

A team member from InvestPR will review your company information. You will be notified when your company is successfully added to the directory.

Are you a local Service Provider?

If you are a local service provider and want to join our directory, follow the guide below.
If you already know the steps, submit your company information by completing the form below.

Connect with Excellence

If you have any questions or need additional information reach out to us.