
As an organization that values transparency and accountability, providing insight and access to comprehensive reporting is central to InvestPR’s mission. Explore our collection of studies, annual reports, findings and other resources pertaining to business development and investment in Puerto Rico.


Logistics Research/Feasibility Study Publication Date: October 15, 2019

The Seabury Maritime team has been provided the unique opportunity to research, view, and assess transportation and logistics related business opportunities on the island of Puerto Rico in an effort to increase the scale of the economy both on a domestic and an international basis.


Puerto Rico IT Sector Composition Report & IT Market and Growth Opportunity Analysis Publication Date: June 14, 2024

This analysis offers a detailed understanding of Puerto Rico's IT sector's size, layers, and composition. A consistent definition and clarity on its current state are crucial for formulating strategies, support measures, and KPIs, and for attracting prospective investors by showcasing the supply and demand landscape.