
As an organization that values transparency and accountability, providing insight and access to comprehensive reporting is central to InvestPR’s mission. Explore our collection of studies, annual reports, findings and other resources pertaining to business development and investment in Puerto Rico.


Benchmarking Puerto Rico’s Pharma Sector Publication Date: July 1, 2021

An analysis of the Island’s sector competitiveness and recommendations for driving economic transformation


Life Sciences Manufacturing Report Publication Date: December 31, 2020

This past year, global supply chains, particularly of critical materials, have been severely disrupted, leading to a national push to re-shore essential manufacturing. As a recognized international BioScience powerhouse, Puerto Rico offers the ideal solution to the United States and to foreign companies that are hoping to maintain strong links to US and Latin American markets, while taking advantage of top-notch talent and cost-effective business solutions.


Growing Puerto Rico’s Talent for the Future Publication Date: April 30, 2020

Recession in Puerto Rico, exacerbated by natural disasters in recent years, presents significant challenges as the country continues to adapt the economy, driving toward newer age industries and organizations. Among these challenges is developing workforce talent strategies to ensure economic development can be sustained and continue to grow, leveraging the depth of talent on the island.


Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Recommendations for Economic Development Publication Date: April 30, 2020

The following report is a result of a University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business Multidisciplinary Action Project (MAP) for Invest Puerto Rico spanning January through April 2020. The project included a week-long visit to the island of Puerto Rico by the MAP team and three months of primary research, secondary research, data analysis, and qualitative studies to deliver recommendations for Invest Puerto Rico.


Executive Perceptions of Puerto Rico’s Business Climate Publication Date: March 31, 2020

To understand the current perceptions and misperceptions among key target audiences and establish a baseline for future marketing campaigns, messaging and policy development.


OCO Global Findings Report Publication Date: October 30, 2019

Invest Puerto Rico (IPR) are targeting 4 industry sectors for attraction activities: Knowledge Services, Software Development, Logistics, and Manufacturing. OCO Global have been contracted to consider two questions, based on a combination of detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses.